Hopewell Youth Baseball
Hopewell Youth Baseball Looking For Your Help With Field Day
While this recent weather may not align to the feeling of baseball season, the time is near, and we need your help getting ready. This Sunday April 7th at 9am we will be working on our Kane Road baseball complex. Getting everything ready and preparing for another fun season. We will be posting updates on our Facebook page if the workday ends up needing to be rescheduled but as of now, we plan to make a big dent in the work that needs done. We should end around 2 or 3pm or sooner if everything is completed.
Examples of things that need done:
- Clean and organize the shed.
- Build new smaller 8×10 plastic shed to allow more space.
- Weed and edge the fields and fence lines.
- Hang Sponsor banners.
- Hang/repair backstop mats.
- Put out all the trash cans and clean any liter around the complex.
- Place bases on all fields and pitching mounds where needed.
- Address any holes, ruts etch on the fields or walking areas.
- Dig and bury some short runs of drainage pipes to help alleviate erosion ruts.
The more hands we have, the easier our field days typically go. We will have a lot of the tools needed however if you are planning to attend and want to bring some additional tools that may allow for more efficiency.
Tools List
- Spade or flat shovel.
- Garden rake.
- Tamper
- Edger
- Weed whacker.
Thank you for your consideration and hope to see you there!
Hopewell Youth Baseball Board of Directors