Hopewell Youth Football
Sights and Sounds From Hopewell Youth Football Practice (August 2)

The five different levels of Hopewell football were on the practice fields Wednesday night in preparation of their season openers later this month.
The high school and junior high programs led by Matt Weiss and Craig Bokor, respectively, were working at the high school facilities.
Meanwhile, the youth programs were all on different sections of the junior high field.
The Twerps team consists of kids K thru 2nd grade, the Termites are 3rd thru 4th grade and Mighty Mites are 5th thru 6th grade.
Hopewell Sports Nation was on hand to watch the Twerps and Termites. It was fun as the coaches worked with kids on the basic fundamentals of football such as proper tackling form, back on backers drills, installing offensive formations, etc.
Here are some sights and sounds that HSN got from tonight’s workout.