Hopewell Football
HW vs. CV Youth Football Showdown!!!

Tonight at the junior high field multiple youth football age groups including the Twerps took on Central Valley in scrimmage games!
What’s sure to be a showdown on the upcoming Saturday Games HW went to head to head against CV and for the Twerps came out strong with an opening drive touchdown.
CV was relentless though pursuing the pass and quarterback making some good stops.
Kaycion Hodges was big with the rush making some cut back moves that could take out some of the older league athletes as he rushes for a touchdown on the second HW possession.
CV answered back with some quality rushing plays as well driving the ball down field as both teams showed impressive command on offense. These two teams are making up for some missed game action during their first rain out earlier in the season.
Stay tuned to HSN this weekend as the Twerps take on Aliquippa!