Around Hopewell
HSN & A’Brewed Awakening Back to School Appreciation!

Here at HSN we get excited at this time of the year as Fall Sports ramp up and we can really dig into fresh new content and coverage of our hometown athletes!
Some parents are getting excited as well that it’s finally time when the hustle and bustle of Summer draws to an end and kids go back to school.
For parents and educators it means BACK TO SCHOOL with early mornings, screaming kids and lesson plans!
For those educators, teachers, administrative professionals, para professionals, janitorial staff, coaches, and bus drivers Hopewell Sports Nation thanks you for your service with our children and understands the impact you have on their lives, growth and development.
With that we have partnered with A’Brewed Awakening in Hopewell to help you get back to your morning schedule with a caffeine fix your first week back to school.
Starting next week from 8/19-8/23 all you have to do is bring your Hopewell Township employee ID to A’Brewed Awakening and order your favorite beverage ON US!
HSN has had so much success in its first year we are happy to give back to the great town of Hopewell and all of its educators!