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Hopewell Baseball

HW Youth Baseball Opening Ceremony/Senior Night Recognition



On Friday 5/3 the Hopewell Youth Baseball League hosted its opening ceremony to officially kickoff the youth baseball season.

While some games are already underway the majority of the season is still ahead and this tradition of having an opening ceremony has been around for years. As part of the opening ceremony the Executive Board presents recognition awards to a special group of Athletes, the Seniors of the current Hopewell Baseball Varsity Team.

Most of these kids have come a long way from their days at the Tball level to now playing in some capacity in high school.

In his last year as President of HYBB HSN spoke to David Gigliotti and asked him about the importance of this event and the hopes it continues after his departure: “This was the 4th year HYBB hosted a Sr Night for the HS baseball program. We started this idea the year of COVID to try and do something nice for the Seniors that missed out on a normal final season of their High school baseball career. The Youth Board at the time discussed ideas for gifts and those items were so incredibly popular with the recipient families, that we continue to do it to this day. The 3 gifts we provide are a HYBB stamped baseball, a wood plaque with player name, number and theme of “Forever a Viking”. The third gift is my personal favorite, and something Tom and Tracy Moses (TreyThomas Images) came up with, which is the boys sr baseball group photo with an imposed faded out youth picture standing behind each player. It’s got a very cool layout, which on more than one occasion, has caused parents to tear up when they get a glimpse of the past and present in one photo. This time at the fields, all the games, and practices seems like a grind sometimes, but it goes by so quickly. This is our, (HYBB) opportunity to help capture a special memory saver that players and parents hopefully cherish as much as we do.

Thanks to our sponsors!

This past Friday we presented Senior Awards to Emmet McCowin, Tyler Triscila, Carter Kokoskie, John Vescio, and Lucas Walton. All of these Seniors played in the Hopewell Youth Baseball League for some duration which makes us proud to see their continued growth.

Watch HSN’s Slideshow of the Senior Award Event (Photos compliments of David Bulebush Photography):

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Hello Hopewell! While I am not originally a Hopewell native, it has been my home for over 12 years. My wife and I have three beautiful children that all play Hopewell sports including baseball and softball. My wife and I are both active in coaching our Children's teams. I am a member of the Hopewell Youth Baseball Board of Directors and you will probably see me out at the fields at least a few days a week. Most recently coaching my youngest sons TBALL team.

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