Hopewell Softball
HW Varsity Softballs Mya Parish Signs with Bethany College!!!

Hopewell Sports Nation was in attendance this week as Hopewell’s Mya Parish signed her commitment letter to Bethany College to play Softball next year.
The High School administrative office was overflowing with family, friends, and coaches capturing the moment where Mya’s culmination of hard work from the first time she tossed her first pitch was capped with a swift flick of a pen sealing her next step in her educational and athletic career.
HSN sits down with Mya to learn about what lead her to this moment and to Bethany College.
When asked if this was the plan all along for Mya she said, “When I first started playing, I did it bc all of my friends were playing softball. I never thought I would end up where I am now. If you would have asked 5 year old me if this is what I wanted in life after high school, I probably would have laughed. There was a point in time when I thought I was going to quit. So, no, I never would have thought I would be here today.
Anyone reading this that chose a College or University to go to for themselves can probably relate to why Mya chose Bethany College, when you know you know right Mya? Why did you choose Bethany College? “When I walked onto the campus, I just felt like that’s where I needed to be. There wasn’t really another thought about it.”
Mya continued to say, “This moment was pretty big for me. There was a point in time when I wasn’t sure that this was what I wanted and thought I was just going to be done after high school, but I knew that wasn’t going to be me. So everything that has happened, the signing, recruiting, and the committing was all a very big accomplishment for me. I would like to thank my family, parents, friends, coaches, and teammates. I really wouldn’t be here without any of them. Ronda, Curt, Allison, Rachel, Jim, Scott, Maryann. I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of the constant support from everyone”
Hopewell Sports Nation will continue to follow Mya and the HW Varsity Softball Team this year and into her College career and bring the town all the updates at home and from Bethany.
Mya is excited and proud of all the hard work that lead her to this moment but is still thinking about her final season upcoming this year with Hopewell. Don’t forget to come out and support your HW Vikings Varsity Softball Team at home starting in the Spring.