Hopewell Athletics
Ten Things That Require No Talent That Make A D.I.F.F.E.R.E.N.C.E.

We hope everyone we able to enjoy the holidays with either friends or family as we’re into 2024!
The kids go back to school tomorrow, which means their sporting events will resume.
Aside from sports like basketball, wrestling, swimming, bowling, etc. that are in season, other sports like baseball, softball and even football will begin off-season training before we know it.
As the winter sports get ready to start back up and others start to gear up, Hopewell Sports Nation wants to have a little reminder for our young athletes. Every player on the team isn’t going to be a star or a future college athlete and that’s OK.
Honestly, that’s not important. What is important about being involved in youth athletics are the lessons and characteristics you learn that you’re able to take with you off the athletic fields.
This is something that we wanted to pass along that we hope that all athletes and families remember, which are more important than how many points you score, or hits you have or touchdowns you score.
D iscipline
I ntegrity
F ocus
F ortitude
E ffort
R espect
E nthusiasm
N o Excuses
C ommunication
E xecution
Please try and keep all of this in mind! Let’s have a great 2024 Vikings!