Hopewell Football
We want your Feedback! Rewatch First HSN Live Broadcast HW VS Riverside

What a great evening to come out to Tony Dorsett Stadium, not a cloud in the sky, perfect temperature and as always at a Hopewell Home Game a huge crowd with lots of energy!
With tonight being our soft launch and first attempt at broadcasting the game live on Facebook we had a ton of successes and were bound to have opportunities that we could improve upon so we are eager to hear your comments!
The broadcast streamed well, had great sound, a constant viewership throughout the game and over 6,000 views just in the first 12 hours! We had followers from Multiple different states including Florida, some alumni who are now in college, friends family that could not make it to the game, and tons of sponsors tuning in!
We even had a half time interview with sponsors like Back 2 Barneys who sponsored the game for the Hopewell Football Boosters program and we were able to give valuable shoutouts to all of our Hopewell Sports Nation sponsors which are mainly local businesses that continue to be the primary drivers behind our funding of all of our local sports programs!
Some areas of opportunity came at the end of the 3rd quarter as power on our device dropped the feed slowed down causing delays, we have remedied this issue for the future with a new power supply option that we will try out at our next game.
We have also found a fix for streaming in horizontal view which should give us a better overall view of the field and line of sight to plays. We will test this at our next home game!
Other than those callouts we are looking for more feedback from our viewers, coaches and friends on what we can do to improve our production quality. We had two great announcers in Bruce and Mike calling the play by play and adding commentary.
SNEAK PEEK OF FUTURE BROADCASTS: Some exciting additions in the future could be direct sideline reporting during the game, mic’d up coaches and players live during the game and HSN giveaways during the games, all parts of what HSN hopes to build for this football program and town.