Hopewell Youth Baseball
WATCH: Interview With Hopewell Youth Baseball Concessions Director Stacy Ritchart

The conclusion of the Hopewell All-Star Tournaments this weekend, will bring to an end the 2023 Spring Hopewell Youth Baseball Season.
We hope that if you had a child in the league this spring, that he or she enjoyed the season and will return in the Fall or next Spring.
One of the things that we hoped you noticed and more importantly enjoyed were some of the changes and upgrades made to the concession stand. That is an area that we’ve always taken pride in, especially the hours that so many people have voluntarily put in over the year. It’s not just this year, this is something that’s been going on for a long time at the Kane Road Fields.
At the start of this year, we did make some upgrades and attempted to things better for you the customers. The changes and success we’ve enjoyed this year were headed up by three women- Stacy Ritchart, Annie Mancos and Natalie Irwin. Thank you, ladies!
This afternoon, Hopewell Sports Nation talked to Richart, who served as the Concessions Director, about this season and what’s on tap for this weekend.