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Hopewell Volleyball

Consider Attending a Free Upcoming Hopewell Jr. High Boys Volleyball Clinic



If you’re a boy in Grade 5th thru 8th grade in Hopewell and looking for a sport to play, we have something for you to consider.

The Hopewell High School Boys Volleyball program is sponsoring a Jr. High Boys Volleyball Clinic.

Bruster's Real Ice Cream

The thing that the coaches want to emphasize is that NO EXPERIENCE IS NEEDED. This will be an opportunity for you to learn the game and see if it’s something that you might want to pursue further.

In terms of What to Expect: kids will be able to be involved in Live Game Play, will be getting taught by experienced volleyball coaches and will learn skill development.

If you’re planning on attending, please wear athletic clothing, athletic shoes and something to drink.

-Monday, May 20th
-Wednesday, May 22nd
-Friday, May 24th

TIME: 3-5 PM.

WHERE: Hopewell Junior High School, Gym A

Once again, this is a FREE EVENT and NO EXPERIENCE IS NEEDED.

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