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Vote for hometown business A&S Federal Credit Union!



A&S Federal Credit Union on Brodhead road is a staple in our small community. Gina and team never fail to support student athletics and many other programs in our town.

A&S has a chance to be named Best in Valley Choice Awards hosted by the Times( details below). Take a few moments of your day and support this great local business by voting today and also win a chance for a gift card from the Times.

Bruster's Real Ice Cream

2024 Best of the Valley Community’s Choice Awards!

Celebrate the best businesses and organizations in the area with the 2024 Best of the Valley Community’s Choice.

In this voting round, vote for the top nominees in each category as chosen by the public during the nomination round. Users who vote in 25 or more categories will be automatically entered to win a $250 gift card!

To Vote:

  • Navigate to your desired Section and Category in the ballot below.
  • In the category box, find the Nominee you’d like to vote for and click “VOTE.”
  • On your first visit, complete the registration and click “SUBMIT.”
  • Continue to vote for nominees in other categories. Votes are recorded as they are entered and there is no final “SUBMIT” button.
  • On future visits, log in to the ballot using the “Already Entered” function and vote again up to once a day.

Voting closes on April 29, 2024, and the winners and finalists in each category will be revealed in July. See program rules here and for complete information, visit

Hello Hopewell! While I am not originally a Hopewell native, it has been my home for over 12 years. My wife and I have three beautiful children that all play Hopewell sports including baseball and softball. My wife and I are both active in coaching our Children's teams. I am a member of the Hopewell Youth Baseball Board of Directors and you will probably see me out at the fields at least a few days a week. Most recently coaching my youngest sons TBALL team.

A'Brewed Awakening
Gianni's Pizza Hopewell 724-203-0777
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