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Cub Scouts fill up A’brewed Awakening



Bruster's Real Ice Cream

Hopewell Pack 435 filled up A’brewed Awakening this evening for a Valentines Day Coffee Date w/Cub Scouts.

Organized by Anna Smyers a Pack 435 troop leader the scouts spent an evening indoors playing games, enjoying an array of sweet treats and of course some delicious A’Brewed Awakening blends.

A’Brewed Awakening owner Barb was gracious enough to open her doors this evening to host the event for the scouts and the scouts showed up in force.

Take a look at all the fun in this photo album:

Hello Hopewell! While I am not originally a Hopewell native, it has been my home for over 12 years. My wife and I have three beautiful children that all play Hopewell sports including baseball and softball. My wife and I are both active in coaching our Children's teams. I am a member of the Hopewell Youth Baseball Board of Directors and you will probably see me out at the fields at least a few days a week. Most recently coaching my youngest sons TBALL team.

A'Brewed Awakening
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