Around Hopewell
HASD – Weather Procedure Update

It’s the holiday season and with that comes the weather the children all pray for every night, SNOW!!!
An important update from HASD was sent out regarding the weather procedures for this year, see below:
HASD Families,
In looking ahead for weather-related events affecting school, I want to send a quick email reminding families about a subtle change to the 2024-25 school calendar.
Hopewell Area SD built in two traditional snow make-up days into the 2024-25 school calendar. Therefore, if the entire district is closed due to weather, power outage, etc., the district will plan for that given school day to be made up at a later date. Those make-up dates are already identified on the attached school calendar as March 21st(Snow Make-Up Day #1) and April 17th (Snow Make-Up Day #2).
Also, the district may still access remote, flexible instruction days (FIDs) in a couple of instances. First, once the district uses/reschedules the two “snow make-up days” noted above, the district will begin to use remote, flexible instruction as school-day options for additional snow-day cancellations after two. Another possible example where a flexible instruction day could be used surrounds a unique instance where only one of the schools is closed. If all of the other buildings are operational, the district may elect to have that one school move to remote schooling from home through the flexible instruction model. This could happen at any point. We do not need to exhaust two snow days for this to occur.
As always, these updates will be communicated through the district’s mass notification system as this email is being delivered. A phone call was not made to coincide with this email, but a phone call will coincide if/when a school delay or closure occurs. Last, when school closures and/or delays do occur, a notification message will be posted at the top of the district’s main website. Details will be included in that message as needed.
Thank you,
Dr. Jeff Beltz
Hopewell Area SD