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HW Softball T-Ball Meet and Greet Announced!



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Hopewell Softball is working to revitalize interest in their softball program and part of that is coming up with new/ fresh ideas for items like fundraising, skills sessions, overall player development and general community outreach.

The Softball Organization will be hosting a T-ball Meet and Greet Monday, August 5th at 6pm at the Independence Softball fields.

The  goal is to allow families the chance to try tball out. Registration will be available as well for those interested to register or walk-ins are welcome, to register email:

[email protected]

Plenty more to come this Fall from Hopewell Rec Softball so stop down to the Meet and Greet and get to know your Softball Organization.

Hello Hopewell! While I am not originally a Hopewell native, it has been my home for over 12 years. My wife and I have three beautiful children that all play Hopewell sports including baseball and softball. My wife and I are both active in coaching our Children's teams. I am a member of the Hopewell Youth Baseball Board of Directors and you will probably see me out at the fields at least a few days a week. Most recently coaching my youngest sons TBALL team.

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