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Bruster's Real Ice Cream

In our eight months of existence, Hopewell Sports Nation has published 589 stories on everything from Softball, Bocce, Youth and High School Baseball, Hockey, Volleyball, Boys and Girls Soccer, Wrestling, Junior High and High School Football, Bowling, Swimming, Junior High and High School Boys and Girls Basketball.

HSN has also done individual stories on Hopewell athletes such as James Armstrong, Kingston Krotec, Isaiah Pisano, Chris Colonna, Marina Pincotti, Jordan Sirianni, Jacob Brunton, Julian Baldwin, Dionna Santia, Mya Parish, Emma Palmieri, etc.

HSN has started a Scholarship Fund and will be giving scholarships to two senior students, held a Thanksgiving Food Drive and put together a 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway for our readers.

During these eight months, HSN has done as much as we can to give back and most importantly highlight the amazing accomplishments of the student athletes in the Hopewell School District.

Just today, we received a couple compliments that we appreciate and don’t take for granted. A parent of one the basketball players on the girls travel team sent a message saying “Thank you for the time you devote to covering our kids. Hopewell is so fortunate to have you.”

Former Hopewell great and current youth coach Rushel Shell said this on Facebook- “HSN is such an amazing addition to our community. Thankful to have these great article and insight on what we are building in Hopewell. Thank you Hopewell Sports Nation.”

Is this a lot of work and time spent? Yes. However, anything worth building takes time and work and we believe HSN is having a positive impact in Hopewell.

We’ve done our best not to ask a lot of you our readers as our focus has mostly been on content and building the website.

However, we are now going to ask you for some help from the Hopewell community.

In order to take the next step in our growth, HSN has to find a way to bring in revenue. I realize this can be a touchy subject but it’s reality.

The biggest thing that HSN wants to do is hire writers and photographers to help us with our coverage. That costs money. For example, HSN will cover the eight Hopewell wrestlers in the WPIAL Championships this weekend. In order to do that, we hired a professional free lance writer. It cost money.

We have also spoken with both student writers along with possible writers and photographers in the community about joining HSN. In order to bring them aboard, we need to be able to pay them.

Over the last few months, we’ve tried to raise money in a multitude of ways and we are appreciative of those who have supported us including our local business sponsors, and the families who have participated in all of our raffles from day one!

To our sponsors without which we would not be here without, thank you for continuing to trust in HSN to help market your brands,  businesses and supporting us to do what we do best in supporting our town!

Sponsors we have had since Day 1:
A&S – Gina Huntington, Shulligans- Mike Shutak, Greater Pittsburgh Physical Therapy- Craig Biller, Frank Walker Law, A’brewed Awakening- Barb, Bruster’s Norm Ely, Seubert and Associates, and Martins Lawn Service.

That leads us to our latest idea on how to help fund our efforts that doesn’t involve businesses, but you our readers and residents of Hopewell.

It’s pretty simple. If you like what we’re doing and want to support us, you can do so by sending a donation/contribution to either our Venmo or PayPal accounts. This can be a one-time donation, every month or whatever you want. That also includes the amount you’d like to contribute. It can be $1, $5, $10, $20, etc.

PayPal: [email protected]

Venmo: @hopewellsportsnation

This idea is one that comes with no pressure but we’re hoping that you’d consider lending us your support.

We love the concept of Hopewell Sports Nation, love doing it, love the reaction we’ve received from the community BUT we’re going to need more support to grow and continue our efforts.

We hope you’ll consider, and if you have other methods of supporting HSN like key business contacts, merchandise or baskets for raffles, are a booster organization that we could have a mutually beneficial partnership with we are all ears and open to your ideas.

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